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50CL bottle: The Bellverd glass bottle has an inviolable cap
50CL bottle : The Bellverd glass bottle has an inviolable cap.

Many of you have expressed that we defend respect for the environment and recycling.
However, we produce a glass bottle that we cannot reuse.
An environmental dilemma, isn’t it?
Inviolable caps for glass bottles that become non-reusable.
Paradoxical, we agree.
Although we are all aware that glass is an infinitely recyclable material.
It is precisely for this reason that we have chosen glass bottles for our 50cl format.
However, it is incomprehensible to have to throw away our beautiful silk-screened bottle once the olive oil is consumed.

The inviolable cap, Royal Decree 895/2013.

It is the law of January 1, 2014 that imposes it on us.
Indeed, olive oil made available to consumers in the Horeca circuit (hotels, restaurants, and cafeterias) must be properly labeled and equipped with an inviolable cap. Real Decreto 895/2013: https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/11/16/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-12006.pdf

In 2014, the Spanish Interprofessional Federation of Olive Oil, in collaboration with the ministry, launched an information campaign to inform consumers of the advantages of using olive oil bottles in non-reusable or single-use cap containers. The campaign, launched on March 1, 2014, with the slogan “ In bars and restaurants, the non-reusable cap tells you. Olive oil.”

The date of this campaign coincides with the deadline set by Royal Decree 895/2013 for catering establishments to adapt to the new rules for presenting olive oils to the final consumer.

Customers of these establishments will be able to know:

The commercial category to which the oils belong,

The name of the producer who guarantees the product,

Its expiration date And even,

in the case of certain extra virgin oils, its variety or if it is covered by an appellation of origin.
All of this guarantees optimal quality and a more hygienic and attractive presentation.

Advantage of using the inviolable cap.

The inviolable cap is a closure that prevents the filling of oil bottles.
This mechanism works thanks to a clever system that prevents the removal of the cap to refill the bottle. This also does not allow filling the oil from the spout.
The “ball” integrated into the spout is responsible for blocking the passage of the oil.
Thanks to this mechanism, the safety of the content is guaranteed, which means that the product received by the customer is authentic and has not been altered.
In addition to guaranteeing the authenticity of the product, the inviolable cap also helps to create a habit in the consumer by controlling the pouring of products.
In this way, oil waste is avoided, and responsible use of it is encouraged.

The inviolable cap is an innovative closure, it guarantees the authenticity of the product and also encourages responsible use while improving the food safety of olive oils.

Advice for personal use of your Bellverd bottle.

We have received several requests regarding the possibility of refilling your Bellverd bottle.
However, we would like to remind you that the use of pouring spouts on Bellverd bottles is only allowed for personal use.
It is important not to use these pouring spouts in hotels, restaurants, or other establishments, the Bellverd glass bottle has an inviolable cap.
Indeed, the use of pouring spouts in these commercial establishments could lead to hygiene and safety problems. It is therefore essential to respect food safety standards by using only the bottles as they are and without manipulation.
However, for your personal use, we are happy to give you this little tutorial to refill your Bellverd bottle. We hope this will be useful to you and that you will be able to fully enjoy your Bellverd bottle, several times, at home.

TUTORIAL for the PERSONAL use of your Bellverd bottle.


(0034) 671.26.05.48

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The Bellverd glass bottle has an inviolable cap.

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