Help returns and refunds

Help on returns and refunds

Is it possible to cancel an order that has already been processed and shipped ?

Once your order has been shipped, there is no possibility to cancel it.

The courier companies come to pick up the packages every day to be able to make the delivery in 48/72 hours.

In the event of force majeure, please email us at or message us on WhatsApp at (0034) 671.26.05.48 We will do what we can.

What to do if it arrives broken or in poor condition?

The packaging is designed to avoid breakage and the transport company is careful, but it can still happen that it breaks or arrives in poor condition.

It is for this reason that it is very important that you check the merchandise with the person making the delivery. If this is not the case, we cannot be held responsible for the breakage of the product.

What do I have to do to return an item ?

We don't speak very well English, but with the translator we will manage! 

Send us a message via WhatsApp message 

(0034) 671.26.05.48

from Monday to Friday

from 08:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.

Or send us an email at 

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